
Dennis loved hearing from readers.

So do I. I’m Gayle Lynds, his widow, and would enjoy receiving your notes, emails, and letters about Dennis and his work. I’ll personally answer as many as I can.

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Or if you want to contact me by good old snail mail, here’s the address:
Gayle Lynds
P.O. Box 732
125 Forest Ave.
Portland, ME 04101-9998

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Authors Gayle & Dennis Lynds on Stearns Wharf in Santa Barbara, 2002.

Authors Gayle & Dennis Lynds on Stearns Wharf in Santa Barbara, 2002.

Who am I? Please feel free to check me out at Since Dennis’s death, I’ve remarried and am living happily in Maine. I continue to publish novels and short stories. Library Journal has been kind enough to call me “the reigning queen of espionage fiction.”

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